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How To Enable Automated Shipping Notifications

Verifying your email address

  1. To enable automated shipping notifications for orders on your online website you will need to verify that your email domain matches your website domain.
      • EXAMPLE: if your website domain is your email should be something like or
      • If your email domain does not match your website domain, for example, you will have to set up a no-reply email address for shipping notifications such as
        • NOTE: If you opt for a no-reply email address, you will not be able to see any customer responses to your shipping notifications.
  1. To change your email address, please go to>>Settings>>Store Information.
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3. Once you have verified that the website URL and email domain match, save your changes at the bottom of the screen.

Enabling Shipping Notifications

After confirming your email address, you can now enable shipping notifications.
  1. When you navigate to>>Settings you will see a new option for Customer notifications.
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2. Click on the toggle to turn on customer notifications

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3. After you turn this feature on, you will be asked to create records in your DNS.

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4. To create these records, please log into the website that hosts your domain (godaddy, bluehost, etc)

5. For full instructions on how to edit your DNS, Click HERE

6. After creating the CNAME records in your DNS, click Verify Domain. If done correctly you will see a green checkmark next to your domain.

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7. Now you are ready to send email confirmations! These automated customer notifications will send on your behalf when you print shipping labels from the POS. For instructions on how to print shipping labels from the POS, click HERE.

Preview of the Shipping Notifications

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