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How To Add Products To Shoptiques

  1. Go to
    1. Click Inventory, then products.
    2. Click add product
Notion image
  1. Add your main product details
    1. Enter a product Name
    2. Enter a style number
    3. Enter the vendor
    4. Optionally add a department and tags
    5. Choose your color(s) and add photos to that color
Notion image
  1. Set up variants, inventory and prices.
    1. Choose your size type
    2. Add your sizes
    3. Add quantity to each variant
    4. Add your prices
Notion image
  1. Add information
    1. Check off the box for
    2. Add a description
    3. Add your categories
    4. Add additional information such as fiber content
    5. Add optional attributes
    6. Click save
Notion image

Woooohooo you are done!

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