How to Create a Purchase Order
- To create a new purchase order please navigate to and click on the Inventory tab and select "Purchases" from the dropdown.
- Then click "Create New Purchase Order" in the corner.

- The system will generate a PO number for you, but you can also type over the PO number and enter your own if you prefer.

- Then select your Vendor. If the vendor already exists in your system, simply search the Vendor name and select from the dropdown. If it is a new vendor, click the green plus sign next to the vendor field and use the quick add tool to enter the vendor information.

- Next, select your ship to location (this only applies if you have multiple locations, if you don't it will default to your single store location)

- After you select your location, select your PO created date and the date you expect the items to be delivered.

- You are now ready to add items to the purchase order. If you have already added the products to your POS, you can search by product name for those items. If you have not yet added the products, you can use the quick add tool to quickly add the product to the system so it can be added to the purchase order.

- When searching by items that exist in the POS, if you want to add all colors and sizes to the purchase order, click the blue button next to the product that says add all colors and sizes. If you would like to pick specific colors/sizes click them small dropdown arrow next to the products name and select the sizes you want to add.

- After adding all the desired products to the PO, enter the quantities you expect to receive for each item and fill out the unit cost for each item.

- After adding quantities, you can add in any discounts or shipping costs the order may have to get an exact total for the purchase order.

- Now you can push the Add Order Button at the bottom of the screen. And the PO will be created.

How to Receive Items in a Purchase Order
Once the items come in from your purchase order, it is time to receive the products into the POS.
- To pull up your purchase order simply search by the vendor name or purchase order number. Then, click on the purchase order you would like to receive.

- After opening your purchase order, you can select the items you've received by clicking the check boxes next to those items.

- After selecting all items you wish to receive, click receive items. If you have selected all items in the PO to receive, all items will be received and the PO will show status "Complete". If you only receive some of the items, the status of the PO will change to "Partial".

- As you start to receive items, a receiving timeline will populate on the bottom of the screen with date and time stamps.

- From here, you can print barcodes directly by click the Barcode Printing button.
- You can edit a PO until you close the PO.
- Once you are finished with the PO, you can close the PO by click the Close Purchase Order button at the bottom of the screen.