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Setting Up Your Worldpay Mini Device

To set up your Worldpay bbPOS device, follow the steps below.

Setting Up The Device

  1. Turn on the BBPOS device by holding the power button for a couple seconds. The light should blink blue once it's on.
  1. Pair the BBPOS device to the iPad by going to the iPad: System Settings -> bluetooth and looking for the device ID that starts with CHB.... Connect to the device and click "Pair" on the popup.
  1. Now turn off the BBPOS device (**IMPORTANT**) by holding the power button for a couple seconds. Make sure the light is off.
  1. Open the POS app. Go to the Settings Menu and tap on Cards Processing.
  1. Turn on Worldpay and fill out all required credentials from the Set Up Sheet emailed to you by WorldPay. This includes
    1. Account ID
    2. Account Token
    3. Acceptor ID
    4. Terminal ID
    5. StoreCard ID
    6. StoreCard Password
  1. After filling out the required fields, save changes.
  1. Next, turn on BBPOS by toggling on Use BBPOS device in your POS terminal settings.
  1. It should show a red dot and say "disconnected".
  1. Now, turn on the BBPOS device.
  1. Once on, the red dot in the POS app should turn yellow and say "Initializing...X%".
  1. Wait for the device to initialize and the status in POS should change to a green dot that says "Connected".
  1. Once connected, you can now process cards.
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