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Setting Up Your Worldpay Countertop Device

To set up your Worldpay MX915 Countertop, follow the steps below.

Setting Up The Device

  1. After unboxing your Worldpay terminal, you should have the following pieces:
    1. Verifone MX915 terminal
    2. Communications Module
    3. 12V power adapter
    4. Ethernet cable
  1. Now, turn the device over so it is face down on the counter.
  1. Insert the Communications Module into the top of the terminal such that the tabs face outwards. The tabs will click into place when the module is fully inserted.
  1. Connect the 12V power adapter and the ethernet cable to the now installed Communications Module.
  1. Connect the other end of the ethernet cable to an ethernet port on your router.
  1. Connect the other end of the 12V power adapter to a power source.
  1. Once the terminal is plugged in, it will power on automatically and begin its boot-up sequence, ending in an activation code screen. You'll use this code to pair the terminal with your account and it will remain onscreen until you do.

Video Demonstration

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Setting Up The iPad

  1. Open your Shoptiques POS App on your iPad and tap on the POS settings icon.
    1. Notion image
  1. Next, tap on Cards Processing.
    1. Notion image
  1. Toggle on Worldpay to expose the credential fields.
  1. Using the credentials emailed to you from Worldpay, fill in your Account ID, Account Token, Acceptor ID, and Terminal ID.
  1. Next, set your Signature Threshold. A signature will be required on all transactions above the entered threshold. Want a signature for every transaction? Leave the field blank.
  1. Enter your StoreCard ID and StoreCard Password. These credentials are required for the gift card program.
    1. Notion image
  1. Leave PayPage ID and Vault ID blank for now. Need to run credit cards manually? Reach out to our team to get set up.
  1. After entering all required information into the iPad, Save Changes.

Activating Your Terminal

  1. On the Shoptiques POS under Cards Processing, scroll to the bottom of your credentials page.
  1. Click the green button that says Activate next to Activate new terminal.
  1. Enter the code on the screen of your MX915 into the popup window.
  1. When your iPad and MX915 have successfully been paired, you will see a checkmark appear on the screen.
  1. Finally, check your connection by tapping on the green Check button next to Current terminal connection status. A green checkmark will appear with the status Open.
    1. Notion image
  1. You can now process cards in store.
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