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How To Submit Marketing Requests


  1. Login to
  1. On the left hand side menu, select the dropdown next to “Marketing”
  1. Click on Design Services.
  1. This will open up the request form in a new tab.
  1. Alternatively, you can click here to open the request form.


  1. Are you currently an active Managed Services client?
    1. If you are currently in a managed services monthly plan, select yes.
    2. If you are not in a managed services monthly plan, select no.
  1. Enter Your Boutique Name
  1. Click the dropdown button to select the service you are requesting.
  1. Click Next
  1. Fill out the boxes to let our team know about the design you want.
    1. In the first box, share the theme for the design (exapmles: valentine’s day, end of year sale, Girls Night Out Shopping Event, etc.)
    2. In the second box (OPTIONAL) enter any product names or copy and paste links to your website of products you would like featured.
    3. If you have specific images, or you’ve done a photoshoot, etc, please upload those into the 3rd box. You can either drag and drop the images from your computer, or you can click in the box and upload from the pop up.
    4. Select your desired send date. NOTE: we require 5 business day turnaround on assets. We will accept last-minute requests for a shorter turnaround time but cannot guarantee/additional fees may apply.
    5. If you have any additional comments to share with our team (preferred send time during the day, colors you want to include or avoid, or anything else) please put them in the last box on the form.
  1. Click on the Next button.
  1. Confirm your name and your email & complete the CAPTCHA on the submission form.
  1. Hit Submit.
  1. That’s it! Our team will receive your request and start working your asset ASAP!
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