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How to Update your Store Settings

How to update store settings such as location, gift card settings, and more.


Edit Your Location

  1. Login to
  1. On the side bar, push locations
  1. To edit your location information, push the pencil button in the top right corner.
    1. Notion image
  1. Here you can edit Details, Address & Settings for this location.
    1. Notion image
  1. After making any changes, push the Save Location button in the bottom right corner.

Enable Giftcards

  1. Under locations, scroll to Settings For This Location and toggle on Gift Cards Enabled
  1. Save The Location

Enable Partial Payments

  1. Under locations, scroll to Settings For This Location and toggle on Accept Partial Payments (Layaway)
  1. You can also set minimum deposit amounts for Layaway Purchases. Enter the % or $ amount of the deposit that is required.
  1. Save The Location
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