How to Reset the TP Link
- Unplug your TP link from the back of your credit card machine
- Find the small reset button on the back side of the TP link.

- Using a paperclip, shove the paperclip into the reset button and hold for 10 seconds
- The TP link should be flashing a green light when successfully reset.
How to Reprogram the TP Link
- Now that you've reset the TP link, it should be flashing a green light.
- Leave the TP link unplugged from the back of the credit card machine, but leave it plugged into the power source.
- On your laptop, find the network for the nano and connect to it. The network name and password are on the device and the device config card.
- Once connected on your laptop, go the the TP link admin dashboard URL
- Select "Client Mode"
- Then select your wifi network and connect to it. You will need to enter the password for the Wifi network.
- Leave the IP set to “Smart IP” and leave the other settings alone
- Click finish and the device will reboot with the new settings
- The light on your TP link should turn to a solid green light
- Once the reboot is finished, you can switch back your laptop's prior wifi network
- Turn off your credit card machine
- Plug the TP link back into the credit card machine in port 1 (the hole closest to the power cord)
- Turn back on your credit card machine.