If your product photos do not meet the image requirements, they can be easily modified to show off your item on Shoptiques.com!
Resizing Photos
- Although theย minimal photo size should be 700x1050px, you also want to be sure that your image is not too large since it will take a lot longer to upload to SPOS
- Whether your photo is too small or too large, you can use photo editing software, such asย Adobe Photoshop, or a free online service, such asย resizeimage.net, to modify your photo to a more ideal size
Cropping Photos
- If you get the following error message while uploading your photo, you can easily use the SPOS Photo Editor to crop your photo
- Select "Crop"
- Select "Apply" to accept the default image size necessary for Shoptiques.com
- Select "Save"
- Your photo is now ready for SPOS and Shoptiques.com!