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QuickBooks Mapping

Locations Mapping

You can track your boutiques based on location. To do so, you must first enable "Tracking by Location" in your QuickBooks settings. On the QuickBooks Integration page of the Web app, there is a section called "Locations Mapping". Here, you can match the boutique to a location you have designated as options in QuickBooks.
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Under the "Locations Mapping" section, you will find a section called "Products". There are two types of products: Generic Product and Freight Product. They will be used to create bills and vendor credits. Generic Product refers to the merchandise while Freight Product is used for allocating shipping costs when Bill is created. Please note that the "Simple Start" QuickBooks plan does not allow to create products. If you are using this plan, you will not be able to get Bills and Vendor Credits in QB via integration.

Step 1

You’ll need to first create two products in your Quickbooks account, a “Generic Product” and a “Freight Product”, which we’ll then map in the POS settings page. These two products are used to sync inventory asset values (purchases, COGS, etc) between POS and Quickbooks.

In Quickbooks, go to Sales→Products & Services

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Then click “New Product”.

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First we’ll create the Generic Product. This will be a “non-inventory” type product.

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Then we’ll create the Freight Product. This will be a “Service” type product.

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Once these products are created, go into POS and reload the Account Mapping page. You should now see these products as options in the dropdowns for Generic Product and Freight Product.

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Mapping of Transactions

Under the "Products" section, you will find a section called "Mapping of Transactions". Here, you will map accounts in POS, which include different types of income and expenses, to the accounts set up in your QuickBooks. If you are confused about any of the transaction types, refer to the descriptions associated with them on the right side. It is not required, but we recommend mapping all of the accounts in POS to related accounts in QuickBooks even if you do not expect to use some of them. If you do not map an account but actual data related to it appears, it will trigger an Over/Short adjustment creation.
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You can add, delete, or modify accounts on QuickBooks as necessary. To do so, navigate to the "Chart of Accounts" page by hovering over the "Accounting" tab in your QuickBooks account.

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How To Add Your Accountant to Quickbooks

In your QuickBooks account, click on the "My Accountant" tab in the navigation bar to the left. Here, you will be able to send an invitation to your accountant via e-mail to join your QuickBooks account.
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