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Adding & Assigning Departments

Add & assign departments to your products for enhanced reporting and tax purposes.

Adding Departments

  1. Navigate to
  1. In the top right corner, select Add Department.
    1. Notion image
  1. Type the department name and assign a parent department if applicable.
    1. NOTE: To assign a parent department, the parent department must already exist.

  1. Click Add Department.
    1. Notion image

Assigning Departments

  1. After adding your department, you must now assign it to products. Please navigate to the Products Dashboard or click here.
  1. To assign departments in bulk, select the checkbox next to each product you want to assign the department to.
  1. Next, scroll to the top and select the Bulk Actions button.
    1. Notion image
  1. Select the option to change department.
    1. Notion image
  1. Select the department you wish to assign to the products.
  1. Click Save. Changes will take effect immediately.
    1. Notion image
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