<aside> 💡 The latest version of DYMO Label Software is not compatible with Microsoft's recent Windows update and consumers may have user experience issues. Please follow the instructions available here to solve the issue of printing blank labels.
NOTE: Please delete ALL existing versions of DYMO and DYMO Connect
Once you have uninstalled your DYMO software using the steps above, you can now re-download the NEW DYMO software.
Please download the software by clicking on this link: https://s3.amazonaws.com/download.dymo.com/dymo/Software/Win/DLS8Setup8.7.4.exe
Go through the installation steps and agree to the terms and conditions. Once the software is successfully downloaded, it will say success
Now you should see the DYMO logo appear in the bottom status menu of your computer.
Click on the DYMO logo to open the menu, then click Diagnose.
You will see a pop up that asks if you want to open a diagnosis page in the browser, say yes.
You should now see a page that says "Congratulations! DLS Web Services is up and running. You can now print from supported websites." in green.
Reboot your computer.
Once your computer has rebooted, you are ready to print tags! Simply plug your DYMO printer back into your computer and go to pos.shoptiques.com and select the items you want to print tags.