<aside> 💡 https://pos.shoptiques.com/orders-return


How To Create a Return Order

  1. Please navigate to pos.shoptiques.com and select Orders from the side menu, then click Return Orders.

  2. Once you are in the return orders dashboard, click New Return Order.


  3. You can put in your own return number or the system will generate one for you. Then select the date of the return.


  4. Type the vendor name in the vendor field, or quick add the vendor name using the green + button. Then select the store location. If you only have one location, it will default to your current location.


  5. After adding the vendor name, add the products to the return order. Then you can enter quantities and wholesale prices.


  6. After adding all desired products, you can add a note as to why you are returning the items.

  7. Then you can click Create Return Order.
