- Navigate to pos.shoptiques.com >> Online Website>> Web Management to launch your house account dashboard.
- In your house account dashboard, click settings on the left hand side of the screen.
- In the menu across the top, select Promo Codes
- Click the create a promo code button at the top of the page.
- In the promo code popup, name your promo code
- write a description of the promo code
- select the discount type ($ or %)
- Discount amount ($ or %)
- Minimal order amount (if no minimum, leave set to 0)
- Usage limits
- If you're giving a discount across the whole site, leave the category set to any. If you're discounting a specific designer or category, assign that category.
- Set your active from and active till dates. If you want it to run indefinitely, you can leave dates blank. When setting the date, please make sure the date is in DAY.MONTH.YEAR notation, or your promo code will not work.