<aside> 💡 If you use Shoptiques POS to add your products to the marketplace, but don't want the sale price to be exposed in your POS or on your online website, follow the instructions below.


NOTE: DO NOT add products in boutique admin. If added in boutique admin, they will NOT show up in your POS and you will not be able to adjust ANY inventory quantities. Boutique Admin will only allow you to edit price and sale price, nothing else. If you need to update other product information or add new products, please update it by going to pos.shoptiques.com/products.

NOTE: If you update the sale price in boutique admin, DO NOT re-save or re-sync the product in the POS until after the flash sale ends. If you save it, it will wipe out the sale price you set in boutique admin.

  1. Navigate to https://boutiqueadmin.shoptiques.com/product/list and login using your email and password from pos. NOTE: if you are unable to log into boutique admin, it is likely due to your permissions. Please reach out to [email protected] or 646-368-9685x2 to get help accessing.

  2. Once in https://boutiqueadmin.shoptiques.com/product/list, click on "Products" on the left side of the screen.

  3. Click the "edit" button underneath each product you want to mark down.


  4. Enter the sale price in the sale price field for each product.


  5. Click the agreement checkbox, then select Save.


  6. This will keep the price the same for your online website and in store, but mark it down for Shoptiques.com only.